Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
My 1st Quarter Reflections From Slides Presentation
I don’t think I’m being lazy, I guesss I’m being resourceful. Well, maybe I am being a LITTLE lazy. But I need to get this done so my parents don’t bug me about it or anything. I’m just going to copy and paste from my Google Slides presentation, but I did do a noice job on it.
Yes, a noice job. Watch this 5 second video, heheh. It’s not inappropriate, if my tone hints that, but, heheh.
Did you watch it? Well, I guess it’s okay if you didn’t, but please do!
So, here’s my stuffff. I’ll just talk a little about my reeeflections after it’s done.
Something I am most proud of in ELA is getting threes and fours on most assignments, and writing good amounts and quality in quick writes or tests and stuff.
I’m most proud of this because I think I do pretty well, and so does Ms. Haury! It’s also something that I enjoy doing most of the time, not just something that seems like a chore, more of something that I also want to do.
An area for improvement in ELA is reading my books, that I have for book check, more in my free time. Also blogging more.
One way I hope to improve is by asking people to remind me, like my family, and also putting notes on my iPad. I should do a little less just for fun stuff. I could read over the weekend and maybe before I go to bed.
If I have a chance, any day of the week I could try to wake up early enough to read. Unfortunately I do sleep in a lot, but sometimes I just randomly wake up super early.
Once I randomly woke up at 1:26 not being tired, and the night before I went to bed maybe around 10:30! I actually wrote a blog post about that. I don’t have Internet, but I could just write what I need for the blog post on a Google Doc and copy and paste it into the blog at school.
So those were my ELA achievements and ways to improve, I’ll try to get better and use my own advice. I want to get EVEN better for my achievements. Oh, also I added a couple extra sentences in the ELA slide stuff that weren’t actually in my presentation. I don’t know what else to say. Or do I?
Yes, a noice job. Watch this 5 second video, heheh. It’s not inappropriate, if my tone hints that, but, heheh.
Did you watch it? Well, I guess it’s okay if you didn’t, but please do!
So, here’s my stuffff. I’ll just talk a little about my reeeflections after it’s done.
Something I am most proud of in ELA is getting threes and fours on most assignments, and writing good amounts and quality in quick writes or tests and stuff.
I’m most proud of this because I think I do pretty well, and so does Ms. Haury! It’s also something that I enjoy doing most of the time, not just something that seems like a chore, more of something that I also want to do.
An area for improvement in ELA is reading my books, that I have for book check, more in my free time. Also blogging more.
One way I hope to improve is by asking people to remind me, like my family, and also putting notes on my iPad. I should do a little less just for fun stuff. I could read over the weekend and maybe before I go to bed.
If I have a chance, any day of the week I could try to wake up early enough to read. Unfortunately I do sleep in a lot, but sometimes I just randomly wake up super early.
Once I randomly woke up at 1:26 not being tired, and the night before I went to bed maybe around 10:30! I actually wrote a blog post about that. I don’t have Internet, but I could just write what I need for the blog post on a Google Doc and copy and paste it into the blog at school.
So those were my ELA achievements and ways to improve, I’ll try to get better and use my own advice. I want to get EVEN better for my achievements. Oh, also I added a couple extra sentences in the ELA slide stuff that weren’t actually in my presentation. I don’t know what else to say. Or do I?
Friday, November 17, 2017
Random Story WIP
I would try to make my own story up completely, but that random story website is just so hilarious and weird, so here’s what I made with the randomized story thingy.
Here’s what I got for the prompt...
Write journal entries about a graceful actor who discovers a shipwreck while scuba diving. I wasn’t sure I wanted it, so I tried to spin it again, but then I decided to keep it. Something else I got was something like, I think, a to do list for a suspicious detective.
Anyway, here I go. Let the story begin!
Here’s what I got for the prompt...
Write journal entries about a graceful actor who discovers a shipwreck while scuba diving. I wasn’t sure I wanted it, so I tried to spin it again, but then I decided to keep it. Something else I got was something like, I think, a to do list for a suspicious detective.
Anyway, here I go. Let the story begin!
Journal Entry 1
Why hello, darlings! I have started this gorgeous journal to record my lovely life events. No, my pretties, don’t worry! It’s not some sort of junky diary with a bunch of celebrity gossip, no, this is a journal for my ADVENTURES.
Eventually I will finish it, publish it and make copies, because, of course, it’s all for the fans. Then I’ll be even MORE famous, not just as an actor. I’ll be an amazing author and adventurer. Well, may you have an exciting and beautiful day, but, teeheehee, not as much as MINE.
Journal Entry 2
I just realized something. I won’t be able to have these adventures...
If I just keep waiting around! I have to do some things for myself, I can’t just wait for some exciting circumstance to trip me. I have to put some banana peels ahead and get ready to slip myself into excitement!
That’s why I have decided to use my hard earned money to please you. I bought myself a plane ticket to the CARIBBEAN ISLANDS. I’m going to the Cayman Islands, and there’s this one part called Grand Cayman. I heard you can scuba dive there, which I’m planning to do. I know, darlings, I’m too much.
Journal Entry 3
I forgot to tell you lovelies, but my ticket says I’ll be leaving Los Angeles and going to Grand Cayman in two weeks, I can’t wait! I literally can’t wait, so I purchased my own personal plane, gave it to my best friend Delilah Phillips who has a license, and we now have permission for my friend to fly me to Grand Cayman. We’re flying there right now! I’m so great.
Don’t worry, darlings, if you didn’t know I gave a live performance with singing, dancing, and acting and raffled the ticket off there. One lucky fan got it!
So here we are, we’ve come so far! We’ll be there in a few more hours, I’ll just dream of scuba diving until my friend wakes me up, she doesn’t mind, I asked her.
Journal Entry 4
Ah, we made it to our hotel. I asked my best friend Delilah if she wants to come scuba dive, but she says she’s too exhausted from just flying all that way. We obviously did make a few stops before we got here, but still. Very tiring. Maybe she could come some other time, but for now I’ll walk over to scuba dive.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
What Does Gratitude Mean To My Brain?
Ah yes, gratitude. Gratitude is one word with one meaning, but a billion other meanings at the same time! You know what I mean? We all know it means being thankful and grateful, it says so in the dictionary, but it means so much more.
Everyone has gratitude for different things, we may share some of the same things about gratitude, but no one has the exact same thoughts and opinions as someone else. That would be creepy.
Something I have gratitude for is, of course, family. Very obvious. Of course that SOUNDS like something everyone has gratitude for, but not even family is something everyone is thankful for!
For example, an orphan. Most orphans probably miss their family, but that’s not exactly being thankful, because they may not remember their parents at all. I guess they’re thankful for their parents loving each other enough to give birth to them, but it’s hard to thank someone you barely know. It’s sad.
Also, there are lots of families that argue about the other ones even EXISTING, and hate each other and wish they were never so “stupid” to start the whole thing. Again, sad.
I’m thankful for my friends, but what about people who don’t or say they don’t have friends? Even the most obvious things, some people are praying to have every day. I have a good education, food, clean water, clothing, pets, what’s like a luxury to many people around the world.
In fact, I should be thankful for even having a HAND to type this thing up! All those soldiers we talked about last week for Veterans Day may have given up half of their BODY just so me and you could do the kind of stuff we’re doing now! Like me, well, typing this thing up!
We take many things for granted, so this Thanksgiving let’s all come together with our valuable families and give thanks and gratitude to all the joys and conveniences we have today.
Monday, November 13, 2017
JAPAN IS SOOOOOOOOO AMAZING!! Yes, I love America, and I dedicate myself to it, but Japan is so much more fun, interesting, and vastly beautiful. But that doesn’t mean I’d rather give my life for Japan instead of America!
Anyway, here are some facts about Japan and why I chose it.
First of all, Japan has AMAZING animals! One, for example, is the Shiba Inu. They’re soooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.
The Shiba Inu is an orange-ish tan-ish color but has white by the muzzle, paws, and tummy! They have a tail that curls up onto the very end of their back, have a slightly long muzzle, and triangular ears.
Males weigh 22 pounds and females weigh 18. They can live 12-15 years.
A Shiba Inu is also the dog species Doge is! There are lots and lots of Shiba Inus in Japan.
Here’s where I found some Shiba Inu info:
There are lots of other great Japanese animals, like Japanese Macaque, G-Giant Hornets, Japanese Bantams (it’s like a chicken in Japan), Japanese Bobtail cats, and Koi fish!
I also love Japan because of ANIME. I don’t get why people don’t like anime, they probably haven’t seen enough Studio Ghibli movies. I love My Neighbor Totoro, and Spirited Away, and Ponyo, and Castle In The Sky, etc.
I also love an anime TV show called Kodocha. My family has all of the 1st season DVDs, each DVD has 4 30 minute episodes. Well, we don’t have ONE, but me and my family watched the episodes online. I don’t want you to know anything about it, unless you watch the first, maybe, 4 episodes yourself. Just search “Kodocha Episode 1 English Dub” and so on if you want to see them.
I also REALLY like sushi, and that’s from Japan. Lots of people think it’s just raw fish, but sushi doesn’t even need fish in it! That’s why I can eat it. I guess raw fish is a POSSIBLE ingredient in sushi, but that’s not the only thing. Sushi usually has black seaweed and sticky rice and something else, not always both (the rice and seaweed) though. Sushi can have fish, crab, things like that, but also egg, vegetables, fruit, and cheese. They also can have DEEEELIICOUUS sauces.
Last but not least... NINTENDO.
I love Nintendo, I like Pokémon (that doesn’t mean I’m an expert... at all), and Mario, but mainly and especially the Kirby series. Not just because it’s cute!
Kirby has great stories, and characters, and enemies, and a bunch of mini games that come with the main game, a harder version of the game when you beat it, sometimes a whole OTHER game that doesn’t have to do with the series’ hero Kirby, collectibles, SOOOOO GREAAT!
Kirby is pretty much a pink ball with a cute face, stubby little arms and reddish pinkish legs. Kirby can suck up his enemies and get their powers, which seems strange but if you’re a fan you don’t mind. The enemies go into what seems like another universe in Kirby’s belly, but are still alive.
Here’s a representation of Kirby since I can’t put in pictures, he looks a lot like it.
(Poyo!)> <(-^.^-)>
Yeah, and Kirby can’t really speak a language, so he just makes cute noises like “Poyo” and “Hi eee ah”.
Welp, I’m going to Grillby’s. Bye, kid!
Anyway, here are some facts about Japan and why I chose it.
First of all, Japan has AMAZING animals! One, for example, is the Shiba Inu. They’re soooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.
The Shiba Inu is an orange-ish tan-ish color but has white by the muzzle, paws, and tummy! They have a tail that curls up onto the very end of their back, have a slightly long muzzle, and triangular ears.
Males weigh 22 pounds and females weigh 18. They can live 12-15 years.
A Shiba Inu is also the dog species Doge is! There are lots and lots of Shiba Inus in Japan.
Here’s where I found some Shiba Inu info:
There are lots of other great Japanese animals, like Japanese Macaque, G-Giant Hornets, Japanese Bantams (it’s like a chicken in Japan), Japanese Bobtail cats, and Koi fish!
I also love Japan because of ANIME. I don’t get why people don’t like anime, they probably haven’t seen enough Studio Ghibli movies. I love My Neighbor Totoro, and Spirited Away, and Ponyo, and Castle In The Sky, etc.
I also love an anime TV show called Kodocha. My family has all of the 1st season DVDs, each DVD has 4 30 minute episodes. Well, we don’t have ONE, but me and my family watched the episodes online. I don’t want you to know anything about it, unless you watch the first, maybe, 4 episodes yourself. Just search “Kodocha Episode 1 English Dub” and so on if you want to see them.
I also REALLY like sushi, and that’s from Japan. Lots of people think it’s just raw fish, but sushi doesn’t even need fish in it! That’s why I can eat it. I guess raw fish is a POSSIBLE ingredient in sushi, but that’s not the only thing. Sushi usually has black seaweed and sticky rice and something else, not always both (the rice and seaweed) though. Sushi can have fish, crab, things like that, but also egg, vegetables, fruit, and cheese. They also can have DEEEELIICOUUS sauces.
Last but not least... NINTENDO.
I love Nintendo, I like Pokémon (that doesn’t mean I’m an expert... at all), and Mario, but mainly and especially the Kirby series. Not just because it’s cute!
Kirby has great stories, and characters, and enemies, and a bunch of mini games that come with the main game, a harder version of the game when you beat it, sometimes a whole OTHER game that doesn’t have to do with the series’ hero Kirby, collectibles, SOOOOO GREAAT!
Kirby is pretty much a pink ball with a cute face, stubby little arms and reddish pinkish legs. Kirby can suck up his enemies and get their powers, which seems strange but if you’re a fan you don’t mind. The enemies go into what seems like another universe in Kirby’s belly, but are still alive.
Here’s a representation of Kirby since I can’t put in pictures, he looks a lot like it.
(Poyo!)> <(-^.^-)>
Yeah, and Kirby can’t really speak a language, so he just makes cute noises like “Poyo” and “Hi eee ah”.
Welp, I’m going to Grillby’s. Bye, kid!
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Here is a page about the little short brown haired, little black nosed quokkas, with some juicy li’l quokka facts. THEY ARE SOOOOOOOO HAPPY AND CUTE! That was a fact, not an opinion. Hopefully.
Quokkas are marsupials, so they have a little built in pouch for their babies. Just like koalas, kangaroos, and possums!
They live in Australia, on the peaceful Rottnest Island. Quokkas are about the size of a house cat/domestic cat when they’re full grown. They live on other islands, like Bald Island, but mainly Rottnest.
Quokkas climb trees, but are definitely also fine with scurrying on the ground. They eat leaves, and plant stems, and bark, I guess kinda similar to a beaver diet. So, yeah, quokkas are herbivores.
They can come out in the day time, but mainly come out at night, to eat and shtuff, making them nocturnal. But like I said, they can come out in the day.
Oh, here’s a fun fact! I was just looking up a quokka diet, and I saw a pretty interesting fact. Did you know that quokkas can spend a long time without food, because they can store extra fat in their tail (a lot like camel humps)? (Sorry, I couldn’t find out how long.) Probably not! You probably don’t really know quokkas much, so I hope this has helped you.
Here’s a link to a website where I found some of the facts:
Oh, one more thing, they’re very people friendly and LOVE selfies! Go ahead and search “quokka selfie” on Google and see what images come up!

Quokkas are marsupials, so they have a little built in pouch for their babies. Just like koalas, kangaroos, and possums!
They live in Australia, on the peaceful Rottnest Island. Quokkas are about the size of a house cat/domestic cat when they’re full grown. They live on other islands, like Bald Island, but mainly Rottnest.
Quokkas climb trees, but are definitely also fine with scurrying on the ground. They eat leaves, and plant stems, and bark, I guess kinda similar to a beaver diet. So, yeah, quokkas are herbivores.
They can come out in the day time, but mainly come out at night, to eat and shtuff, making them nocturnal. But like I said, they can come out in the day.
Oh, here’s a fun fact! I was just looking up a quokka diet, and I saw a pretty interesting fact. Did you know that quokkas can spend a long time without food, because they can store extra fat in their tail (a lot like camel humps)? (Sorry, I couldn’t find out how long.) Probably not! You probably don’t really know quokkas much, so I hope this has helped you.
Here’s a link to a website where I found some of the facts:
Oh, one more thing, they’re very people friendly and LOVE selfies! Go ahead and search “quokka selfie” on Google and see what images come up!
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