This is my honest honesty post, as you can see in the name. I have to be honest here, this post is very late. But I’ll do it anyway.
Honesty and truth are pretty much the same, but that’s not a definition of honesty. Honesty is when you tell the- no, no, no. That doesn’t work. Well, it kind of does. I know what being honest means, I just can’t put it into the right words! Maybe, if you’re an honest person, you’re the opposite of a liar? That’s a little better.
You know what? I’m just going to use the word “truth” now. Okay, if you’re an honest person, you are truthful not only to others, but to yourself. Ooh, that’s nice! I made that up on my own, I’m not slurping from the Internoodles. I didn’t make up the word “Internoodles” though. Ask me if you’re confused. Hey! I’m being honest! When you’re honest, you don’t take credit for something that isn’t yours, AKA don’t plagiarize.
But don’t be TOO honest. That sounds weird, but it’s TRUE. If you’re too honest, you might hurt someone’s feelings. Some truths shouldn’t be told. Wow, do I sound wise right now? Or has everything I’ve ever said or done been said or done before? Or what if all my life has been a dream, and soon I’m going to wake up in a diaper? The world may never know who or what I really am... Heheh. I’m going off track.
Honesty is more than “not lying”, you have to be nice about it! Well, I guess you don’t HAVE to be, but you should be.
Now... Am I honest? NO ONE is COMPLETELY honest. Except me! No, just kidding. Like I said, some truths shouldn’t be told. But not too many. You don’t want to be something totally different in the inside than what everyone thinks you are. Yes, you’re not lying, but too many untold truths is almost a lie. No, it IS a lie. One gigantic lie!
I have some personal stuff, I don’t think I really say lies, but there’s stuff about myself, my friends, my family that isn’t really talked about. Hey! It’s not disturbing or depressing stuff, don’t just assume that from my tone. I just think it sounds kind of cool, but is it cool? The world may never know... But here’s something I know.
This was amazing. I like your definition and how you share your views. Also, I like that you were honest about everybody not always being honest. It's an amazing trait to have, but a very hard one to keep up with. Thank you for sharing your post this week.