Saturday, September 30, 2017

Up Again/Slice Of Life #1

     hOI agAIN!! Here’s my 1st Slice Of Life blog post!! This one is about me, and the morning. Enjoy!

     It was September 26th, 2017.  At first I just woke up randomly and was sitting in my bed thinking about random things.  
Then, I got up, checked the time on my iPad and, well, it was 1:26 AM!  By the way, earlier in this 6th grade school year I randomly woke up 2:00 AM.  I just broke an old record!  Yay!  Then I thought, 

     "Meh!  I guess I'll just go to the bathroom and see if I'm still tired or not."  

     I didn't even need to go that much, so it wasn't one of those times where you wake up to use the toilet and then just try to go back to sleep.  

     So I did go, and I wasn't tired.  Then I just got dressed into my school uniform and started reading a story my friend made called “Ivory Gale” on my iPad.  It’s from a group of stories she’s making called “Ravenmoon”.  I read it in my bed with my lamp turned off.  I was in my bed and then thought about a story for Ravenmoon called “Dark Moon”. 

     I didn't really need to think about it much, the whole thing just popped into my head and the hardest part was typing it all up.  I sent a document about it to my friend.  (She said that she might make it!)

     In conclusion, sometimes I guess I just randomly wake up and I amn't (that should totally be a combination word for am and not, kind of like aren't, but it's not) tired anymore.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Digital Citizenship

     Heya!  How ya doing?!  Great! (Or maybe not great, I can't ACTUALLY hear you.) If it's not great, I hope youuuuuuuu geeeeeeeeet cheeeeeeeeered up by this post!  Or maybe are getting even BETTA!

     Todaaaay I'll be talking about Digital Citizenship, because Ms. Haury KIND OF forced us to, but that's fine.  Next I'll be doing a unique post about my OWN ideas and circumstances, so it doesn't really matter anyway!  HAVE A INGROWN TOE NAIL MINDSET!!!  (PS, I put "A" instead of "AN" on purpose because for some reason I think it sounds funnier.) I think that was it...  Just kidding!  It's, of course, growth mindset, being positive about stuff ya think is STUPID.  That is the totally accurate definition.

     Speaking of having a growth mindset, I guess that's something that goes into Digital Citizenship, and almost everything!  For example, if someone disagrees with you in a text or comment, have a growth mindset and don't get upset.  If you have to disagree with them, think about how to say it before you post it and say it politely.

     (Don’t do it politically, trust me!  Have you seen the debates with Trump and Clinton where they're throwing insults at each other the whole time?!  So immature... Both grown adults... *sigh* Oops, I brought politics into it, I’m so sorry, maybe I should get rid of this part. I don’t know.)

     Also, just be patient and calm down.  If you’re upset about something you see, think and calm down before doing a big text storm.  Read the WHOLE thing and see ALL of the reasons.  Even if it’s the craziest and stupidest thing ya evva saaaaaaaah. Totally. Accurate. Spelling.

     Just be kind. It’s pretty simple, don’t say mean things.  Simple enough.  Think if there’s a better way to disagree, or try to agree when it’s not that hard.

     Be responsible and do anything on your iPad the teacher tells you to.  Try to get things done ASAP instead of putting it off until the last minute.  Do the right thing even when no one is watching, all that shtufffffffffff.

     So, that’s my idea of Digital Citizenship. Bye, see you (but not LITERALLY) in my next blog post!! bOI!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Virtual Vision Board

     Hi there! These are some dreams that I, Miss CoughingFace, OR Miss RumbleThroat, OR Clementine, OR whatever have.

Here are some jobs I'm interested in and might want to have when I grow up. Actress, author, illustrator, some sort of scientist that explores/lives in a jungle, comedian, game show host, talk show host, singer and others I can't remember.


Monday, September 18, 2017

WE Movement

     Heya! Here's another post from a miniature orange!

     I think it was on Friday when a guy called "Reggie" from this organization called "WE" came to HMS. He gave a presentation about WE, talking about what it does, bad things that it can help prevent, different stories about people WE helped, how he joined WE, why you should join it, etc.

     WE is about helping people get good educations, places to live, clean water and drinks, and food. It celebrates people from different backgrounds, and people who persevere.

     I think I might want to join. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

News This Week!! 

9/11 Attacks, 2001 16th Anniversary

     Earlier this week was 9-11 2017. The anniversary of the fatal plane crashes and thousands of deaths. Brave citizens risking their lives, helping people they don't even know. 

     There were MANY sacrifices; good and bad. The plane hijackers sacrificed their lives to kill and to destroy. Plane passengers sacrificed their lives to take control of one of the planes and fly it into a field.

     I don't see why people can be so heartless, and others so kind. Those hijackers were suicidal murderers and complete psychopaths! I don't know what they were thinking.

Welcome To My Blog!!

     hOI!! (Undertale Reference) Clementine here and Welcome to McClemBlog! May I take your order? Ah, yes, of course. You'd like a juicy, delicious blog post!!

     So this year (unlike last year) I think I'll have a lot more time to blog, and I won't have a whole bunch of WIPs over and over and over again. In 5th grade I would only get at the most around 30 minutes to do a post, but HMS has longer school days and longer subjects. Hooray for 6th grade!

     My ELA teacher Ms. Haury also had the class start blogging a LOT earlier in the year than 5th grade, and I'll have a LOT more posts. I think I'll probably be able to do OVER 100 posts this year, maybe even over 200!! :D :) Ya betta be puhpared y'all! (I have no idea why I put that last sentence...)

     I'll try not to do posts talking about how I think certain people are stupid, or how I'm really frustrated with someone, but it slip out once in a while. Sorry, but I'm only human after all. It's not like I'm a perfect little blobfish or anything like that. But seriously, I'll really try not to.

     Well, that's it for now! Goodbye! :3