Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What Does Gratitude Mean To My Brain?

     Ah yes, gratitude.  Gratitude is one word with one meaning, but a billion other meanings at the same time!  You know what I mean?  We all know it means being thankful and grateful, it says so in the dictionary, but it means so much more.  

      Everyone has gratitude for different things, we may share some of the same things about gratitude, but no one has the exact same thoughts and opinions as someone else.  That would be creepy.

     Something I have gratitude for is, of course, family.  Very obvious.  Of course that SOUNDS like something everyone has gratitude for, but not even family is something everyone is thankful for! 

     For example, an orphan.  Most orphans probably miss their family, but that’s not exactly being thankful, because they may not remember their parents at all.  I guess they’re thankful for their parents loving each other enough to give birth to them, but it’s hard to thank someone you barely know.  It’s sad.

     Also, there are lots of families that argue about the other ones even EXISTING, and hate each other and wish they were never so “stupid” to start the whole thing.  Again, sad.

     I’m thankful for my friends, but what about people who don’t or say they don’t have friends?  Even the most obvious things, some people are praying to have every day.  I have a good education, food, clean water, clothing, pets, what’s like a luxury to many people around the world.

     In fact, I should be thankful for even having a HAND to type this thing up!  All those soldiers we talked about last week for Veterans Day may have given up half of their BODY just so me and you could do the kind of stuff we’re doing now!  Like me, well, typing this thing up!

     We take many things for granted, so this Thanksgiving let’s all come together with our valuable families and give thanks and gratitude to all the joys and conveniences we have today.


  1. I think I did pretty well on this post. I’m not trying to brag, but I do think I did well!

    1. Thanks, sometimes I waste my time pretending to be a different person, but still myself. I’m my imaginary friend or something. It’s actually pretty fun, but of course it’s also weird, because I enjoy being weird.

  2. This was a very good post! It was well written and heartfelt. I loved reading it. Thank you for sharing this week.

    1. Thank you! I don’t reply much and instead put a different comment, I should reply more when responding to someone, but I guess it doesn’t matter that much.

    2. That was a long second sentence, past Clem.
