Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thing On My Coat/Slice Of Life #7/March 1

     Yesterday, February 27th, (also my mom’s birthday 🍰) I went to the The Sound of Music workshop so I could audition.  Before the workshop got going, I was sitting on one of the bench-y things that were moved by the walls of the MPR, AKA HMS Lunchroom.  I had placed my backpack, messenger bag, binder and coat on the table.

     My eyes were wandering around the room, Mrs. Chlumsky (one of the directors) organizing some papers, kids talking, other kids looking around the room.  Then I looked back at my little area.  I looked at my nice li’l belongings, backpack, messenger bag, binder and coat.  I stared straight at my coat, the Velcro.  There was something on the Velcro of my coat.

     I looked a little closer.  What was that thing?  I looked even closer.  “Ee, what is that?” I quietly wondered.  It was some sort of hair, but not long enough to be mine and not short enough to be my dog’s.  Not dark enough enough to be mine OR my dog’s.  It was pretty light, it had some white and some barely blonde mixed up.  What exactly was it?  Where did it come from?

     I quickly thrusted my hand forward, plucked the thing off and got it off of my hand.  “Eh!  Hm, maybe I could do a blog post about this.”  I mumbled to myself.

     So I did.


  1. I liked that you put a lot of detail into your writing!

  2. This is a great Slice of Life practice. I look forward to reading more of these in the future. Thank you for sharing your post this week.

    1. Thanks, I do Slice Of Life things combined with the assigned posts sometimes. That’s why I’m up to 8 already.
